8 Key Things Your Website Should Do

Published on 26 April 2024
by HeartBeat Digital Marketing
Here are 8 super important things that your website should do to maximise business growth and ROI. Find out.
woman using computer

A website isn’t just a “yourbusinessname.com.au” page online, it’s your virtual storefront and hub of your online presence.

It’s also, as many would argue, the only digital asset you actually own—you don’t actually own your social media profiles.

Furthermore, it’s where almost all new, and even repeat business comes from, as customers make purchases, book appointments and find out about you online.

It goes without saying that a proper well-oiled website is a key ingredient of business sustainability and success.

Here are eight your website should do

1. Be easy to navigate

Did you know that a 2-second delay in website load times results in abandonment rates of up to 87%?

In other words, if a web page doesn’t load within 2 seconds, 87% of users close the tab or hit ‘back’.

Speed is crucial online and great navigation goes hand-in-hand.

Think of your website’s navigation as a roadmap for your visitors. A clear and intuitive menu structure helps users find what they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly.

Avoid clutter and complexity; simplicity is key.

Your content should be logically organised and use descriptive labels for menu items to guide users seamlessly through your site.

Couple on phone in shopping mall

2. Utilise landing pages and Google Ads

Landing pages are tailored web pages designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. They typically work with Google Ads.

Integrating landing pages into your website empowers you to craft targeted messages and offers that resonate with your audience. Coupled with Google Ads, you can drive targeted traffic to these pages, maximising your marketing ROI.

If you’ve ever clicked on an online ad, perhaps on Google, Facebook, YouTube or within an app, you’ve likely experienced a landing page – whether you realised or not!

Want to know more? Read how clever landing pages helped a medical practice see awesome results.

3. Get displayed by search engines (i.e. appear in Google search results)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results.

To do this, SEO professionals organise and structure a website so that search engines, mainly Google,

  • A, can easily find them on the internet, and
  • B, display links to a website high up in search results, aka rank high

This means that when people search for related terms online, your website comes up on their device and, ideally, they click through to it.

Hint: When that happens, you don’t have to pay for people to click through like you do with Google Ads, hence why we call it ‘organic search’.

Incorporating SEO techniques into your website ensures that it’s easily discoverable by potential customers searching for products or services you offer.

4. Deliver a seamless user experience (UX)

Your website’s success depends on providing an exceptional user experience.

This means:

  • Intuitive design
  • Smooth navigation
  • Engaging visuals
  • Accessibility for all users (including those with disabilities, by incorporating features such as alt text for images, keyboard navigation, and clear, legible fonts)
  • Mobile optimisation (an increasing number of users access websites on their phones)
  • Personalisation (user experience based on individual preferences and behaviours, eg. if a user often books iron infusions, the website can suggest related services and content during future visits)
  • Feedback mechanisms, and
  • Fast loading speed

Quite a lot of stuff actually, hence why quality website design is a science in itself.

Prioritise these principles for a website that attracts and retains visitors, driving business growth.

5. Be secure

Security is paramount in the digital realm, especially when it comes to handling sensitive information such as personal data and payment details.

Implementing an HTTPS connection encrypts data transmitted between your website and users’ browsers, safeguarding against data breaches.

Additionally, Google considers HTTPS as a ranking signal, further enhancing your website’s SEO.

6. Direct users to clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Every page on your website should have clear and compelling call-to-action buttons that prompt visitors to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase or booking, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting you.

Commonly, these are in the header and footer of a website across all/most pages.

On our HeartBeat Digital Marketing website, we have the ‘Get Your Free Consultation’ button in the header and the ‘Get in touch’ form in the footer, among others.

CTAs should be persuasive, visually distinct, and have strategic placement to guide users towards conversion points and maximise engagement.

7. Provide analytics you need to grow

Understanding how users interact with your website is vital for refining your digital marketing strategies, improving performance and business growth.

If set up correctly, websites can record an enormous array of metrics.

Integrate web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as traffic sources, user behaviour, and conversion rates.

Are you visitors staying on a particular page for a long time? Or, perhaps not scrolling far enough to see a booking button? Maybe people are leaving your website at a certain point, meaning urgent reworking is required.

Analysing this data empowers you to make informed decisions and optimise your website for better results.

Analytics lets you view data sets and metrics over specified time periods in clear, simple tables and charts.

8. Impress you and your customers

Your website should showcase your business, your story, your team and your services and products in a way that impresses both you and your customers.

Just like the staff, the inside and outside of your premises, and any assets like vehicles or equipment you may have, a website is a way to showcase your business.

In summary

Does your website do the eight key things we’ve listed above? It should.

If not, or you’re not sure, get in touch with us.

Remember that your website, assuming you actually have one, is a business-driving asset that many organisations continually invest in, and for good reason.

About HeartBeat Digital

We help businesses thrive through creative and digital growth strategies. There has never been a more important time to get your digital presence in order. Put your website to work and attract new customers to your business. Increase your visibility and consolidate your online presence across all platforms.

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