Social Media

Harness the marketing power of social media 


Social Media

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google My Business and others allow a two-way exchange and interaction to support your efforts to achieve your marketing and business goals.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have an established presence that’s become too difficult to manage, we can help.

What is Social Media Marketing ?

Social Media It’s an excellent way for medical practices, healthcare, and other businesses to reach existing and prospective clients, patients, and customers you might otherwise never know.

Social media platforms are where people of all ages gather; they’re what parks, coffee shops, playgrounds, and other public spaces are to the real world. It’s where patients hang out.



Share the things that matter to your audience and engage them with informative and relevant content

seo targeted audiences



Add the human element and build trust in your business with the right brand messaging




Find and attract new customers to your business and increase traffic to your website


Our Clients Say

Social Media Stats

The statistics are clear – if you aren’t actively pursuing social media, you are missing out on a vast potential audience.


71% of the overall Australian population have active social media accounts. That’s 18 million people!

1.75 hrs

Australians spend an average of 1 hour 47 minutes per day on social media, and this has been increasing slowly over the past 8 years.


81% of people use Instagram to research products and services


Why do I need social media?

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and others allow a two-way exchange and interaction to support your efforts to achieve your marketing and business goals. 

You’ll deliver valuable messages, showcase your brand, service, or product, create loyalty, drive leads, and develop brand advocates.

Market researcher GWI reports around 95% of the online population use social websites or apps. In Australia, the average usage per person is just shy of 2 hours per day. 

If you’re not on social media, you’re missing out.

Active Australian Social Media Monthly Users

Why are we best placed to help?

For many businesses and busy medical practices, having the skills and available time to maintain and post to social media on a semi or frequent basis is difficult or impossible. 

There remain many questions unanswered for businesses trying to come to grips with social media in the workplace. 

  • Who will do it?
  • How will we do it?
  • Which platforms should we be on?
  • How often should we post?
  • Do we have the tools and skills to generate content?
  • How do we make a start, and how will we portray our authentic self?  

These are just some questions the team at heartbeat digital can not only answer but solve. 

Digital marketing analytics

Our Expertise

Our team of social media specialists can provide many services, including the necessary expertise to plan and execute creation and approvals, scheduled posting, and page maintenance.

Our approach is planned and collaborative, ensuring the integrity of content always remains with the client.

We help you reach your goals

We consider your business and marketing objectives, reach and build the right audience, foster interest, encourage engagement, and report on the outcomes. 

We take a planned approach to social media marketing. Understanding business objectives to reach intended audiences, crafting creative content for social media that encourages engagement and builds an interested social media audience. Call-to-actions modified to meet digital marketing objectives

Social Platforms

We tailor content and post to the following major Social Media platforms

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Twitter

Our Social Media Services

We offer a full suite of social media marketing and management services, including:

  • Social Media Planning
  • Profile Shaping & Setup
  • Page Creation & Management
  • Post Caption & Headline Writing
  • Image Creatives & Design
  • Social Post Approvals Processing
  • Post Scheduling
  • Social Media Reporting
  • Audience Building & Engagement
  • Social Media Monitoring & Listening
social media Services Heartbeat Digital

Get in Touch

Get in touch with Heartbeat Digital today and reach your business potential.